The needs and priorities of the US economy have evolved quickly in the last several years, and the Economic Development Administration has responded with new guidelines for regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy content. The new CEDS content guidelines cover the topic areas of climate resilience, equity, workforce development and broadband.
Each EDD’s current CEDS process remains foundational to ongoing planning. EDD staff, board members and regional stakeholders will have different levels of experience with the new guideline topic areas, from decision-making expertise to little or no familiarity. These resources provide quick reference to national discourse and planning processes that stakeholders in regional economic development may be engaged in.
NADO’s CEDS Central and the EDA CEDS Content Web site offer in-depth guidance on identifying your region’s needs and developing goals and strategies to address them. CEDS Development with StatsAmerica remains a great resource for identifying metrics and gathering or monitoring data relevant to your region’s general economic development programs.
This resource and others will be updated as the EDD Community of Practice and our partners continue discovering and sharing new insights into effective stakeholder engagement and implementation of the CEDS guidelines.
Engagement Resources
Engagement resources are organized by:
- Complementary Planning Processes: Regional economic development stakeholders may have their own plans, or plans required by statute or other funding programs, that include the new CEDS topic areas. Local and state comprehensive planning processes will vary by region, so the resources here are primarily to provide information about planning processes necessary to apply for Federal funding.
- Peer to Peer Learning: Many entities engaged in these topic areas share case studies and provide forums to learn from practitioners about their experiences and outcomes.
- Science and Thought Leadership: Public and private organizations provide information on the latest advances in science and professional practice.
Funding Resources
Recent and ongoing funding opportunities may help you implement projects or programs related to the new topic areas. Because funding opportunities change constantly, the resources here can’t be considered comprehensive. They are meant to help guide research to find Federal agency programs that can help fund your CEDS implementation.
Federal funding is of course subject to change and often will not provide sustained funding, so it’s important to be sure you have diverse revenue sources that can sustain your CEDS initiatives for their full life cycle.
Climate Resilience
Engagement Resources:
Complementary Planning Processes
Hazard Mitigation
- FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Planning website provides guidance, resources, and tools to help communities develop hazard mitigation plans that comply with FEMA’s requirements. The CEDS and Hazard Mitigation Plan Alignment Guide includes economic development concepts to include in hazard mitigation plans, and lists hazard mitigation ideas to use in the CEDS.
- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency Regional Resiliency Assessment Program is a voluntary, cooperative assessment of specific critical infrastructure that identifies a range of security and resilience issues that could have regionally or nationally significant consequences.
- The Association of State Floodplain Managers provides guidance, resources, and training to help communities develop and implement floodplain management and hazard mitigation strategies that incorporate climate resilience.
- The American Planning Association’s Hazards Planning Center provides resources and information to help planners integrate hazard mitigation and climate resilience into their planning processes.
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Community Resilience Planning Guide provides a framework for communities to develop and implement a resilience strategy that addresses multiple hazards, including those related to climate change.
Transportation and Infrastructure
- Federal Highway Administration’s Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Framework provides guidance for assessing the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure and operations to climate change and extreme weather events.
- Federal Transit Administration’s Climate Considerations tools encourage and assist public transportation planners to play an important role in reducing a community’s environmental impacts from transportation and enhancing the quality of life for its residents.
- National Association of City Transportation Officials’ Urban Street Stormwater Guide: This guide provides guidance on designing streets to manage stormwater runoff and reduce the risk of flooding. It includes strategies for incorporating green infrastructure, such as bioswales and rain gardens, into street design.
Natural Resources
- US Forest Service’s Climate Change Resource Center provides information and resources on the potential impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems, and strategies for adapting to those impacts. This can be useful for regional planners developing natural resource plans that incorporate forest and wildfire management.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coastal Zone Management Program provides grants to states and territories to support the development and implementation of coastal management plans. These plans can incorporate climate resilience considerations, such as sea level rise and increased storm intensity.
- National Park Service’s Climate Change Response Program provides guidance and resources to support climate resilience in park management. This can be useful for regional planners developing natural resource plans that incorporate parks or other protected areas.
- Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool provides a framework for assessing the vulnerability of water utilities to climate change and identifying adaptation options. It includes guidance on conducting vulnerability assessments and developing adaptation plans.
- US Army Corps of Engineers’ Climate Preparedness and Resilience Handbook provides guidance for incorporating climate resilience considerations into water resources planning and management. It includes case studies and examples of adaptation strategies.
- US Department of Energy’s State and Local Solution Center provides resources to enable strategic investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies through the use of innovative practices across the United States by a wide range of stakeholders, in partnership with state and local organizations and community-based nonprofits.
- US Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate and Energy Resources for State, Local, and Tribal Governments website provides information on federal and state programs and resources for energy planning, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy resilience strategies. It also includes guidance on incorporating climate resilience considerations into energy planning.
- National Renewable Energy Lab’s Clean Energy Strategies provides research and tools to help communities and regions evaluate and manage the interconnections between energy, water, and land resources. This can include support for energy planning that incorporates climate resilience considerations.
Peer to Peer Learning
- NADO Regional Development Resource Center Climate Resilience Resources share how individual EDDs have tackled the challenge of climate resilience planning, including as part of hazard mitigation and economic resilience, and offer guidance on current federal programs.
- Chesapeake Bay Program Targeted Outreach for Green Infrastructure in Vulnerable Communities (TOGI) describes the way Chesapeake Bay watershed communities partnered with each other and federal agencies to design green infrastructure projects that meet community, watershed, and habitat conservation goals.
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Resilience Toolkit provides case studies to help communities understand and address climate-related risks, and also includes guidance on integrating climate resilience into hazard mitigation planning.
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) Sustainability Community of Practice is a forum for state DOT practitioners, metropolitan planning organization (MPO) practitioners, and other transportation stakeholders to hold regular discussions on emerging sustainability issues, analyze the state of the practice, and share their experiences with implementation.
- The Georgetown Climate Center Regional Collaboratives Forum provides opportunities for collaborators to share lessons and challenges from working towards regional climate resilience and engage in strategy discussions to facilitate more effective coordination both within their regions and with counterparts from across North America.
Science and Thought Leadership
- US Geological Survey’s Climate Adaptation Science Centers provide science-based information and tools to support climate resilience in natural resource management. This can include support for developing natural resource plans that incorporate climate resilience considerations.
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Resilience Toolkit provides information, tools, and case studies to help communities understand and address climate-related risks, and also includes guidance on integrating climate resilience into hazard mitigation planning.
- The Urban Land Institute’s Developing Urban Resilience provides guidance for developers and building owners to incorporate resilience measures into their buildings and communities, and also includes guidance on integrating resilience into hazard mitigation planning.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Program Office provides funding and support for research on the impacts of climate change on water resources and adaptation strategies. It includes information on sea level rise, extreme weather, and other climate impacts on water resources.
- US Geological Survey’s Water Resources Mission Area provides information and tools to support water resources management in the United States. This includes information on climate change impacts on water resources, such as changes in precipitation and streamflow patterns.
- National Institutes for Water Resources provide funding for research on water resources and support for regional water centers across the United States. This can include support for research on the impacts of climate change on water resources and adaptation strategies.
- National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine provide objective advice from top experts to help the nation better understand, prepare for, and limit future climate change.
Funding Resources
The US Climate Resilience Toolkit provides a summary of Federal agency funding programs that may be appropriate for funding regional climate resilience strategy implementation projects and programs.
EERE Current Funding Opportunities Lists currently open NOFOs. Funding is awarded through an open, competitive process hosted primarily on the EERE Funding Opportunity eXCHANGE. Project selections are merit-based with an emphasis on potential energy, environmental, and economic benefits.
Engagement Resources
Complementary Planning Processes
Human Services
- Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program: States and localities must develop a Unified State Plan that outlines their strategies for providing workforce development services, including how they will prioritize services for individuals with barriers to employment and other underrepresented groups.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Programs: States and localities must develop a Consolidated Plan that outlines their priorities for using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, as well as annual Action Plans that detail specific projects and activities to be funded each year. These plans are also required for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grants Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program. Additionally, a Section 3 Plan may be required that outlines strategies for providing job and training opportunities to low-income residents, as well as reporting on their progress and outcomes.
- The Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency share resources and information to help expand and improve language assistance services for individuals with limited English proficiency, in compliance with federal law.
Transportation and Infrastructure
- The Department of Transportation’s Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making document provides funding recipients with a distinct framework to assist them as they develop and implement public involvement strategies and plans in compliance with federal transportation funding regulations.
- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program: This program, which is funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provides low-cost financing for water infrastructure projects, including drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater management. Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with the goals and strategies outlined in the State Water Plan or other regional planning documents, including considerations of equity and access.
- USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program: This program provides funding to rural communities for a variety of community facilities, including health care facilities, public safety facilities, and community centers. Applicants must demonstrate that their project aligns with the goals and strategies outlined in the community’s strategic plan, including considerations of equity and access.
Peer to Peer Learning
- Incorporating Equity at a Regional Level: Inspiration & Actions Economic Development Districts (EDDs) and Regional Development Organizations (RDOs) around the country are incorporating principles of diversity, equity and inclusion into their work. This report (PDF) is the result of interviews with staff at ten organizations, representing just a few of the 400+ EDDs and RDOs. They provide insight into why and how these organizations are doing this important work.
- NADO Regional Development Resource Center Equity & Inclusion Resources share how individual EDDs have approached incorporation of equity considerations in regional planning processes, and offers resources for assessing and addressing inequity in your region.
- Local Initiatives Support Coalition supports community development initiatives with a focus on equity. They offer training, webinars, and resources for regional economic development specialists to learn about inclusive development practices, equitable planning strategies, and community engagement approaches.
Science and Thought Leadership
- Outcome, Process and Access Framework for Equity in Economic Development Argonne National Laboratory National Economic Research and Resilience Center (NERRC) research brief outlining a framework elucidating underlying drivers influencing the degree to which outcomes of economic development activities are equitable. The brief describes ways EDDs can apply this conceptual framework in Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) development and implementation.
- The Inclusive Recovery Toolkit provided by the New Growth Initiative is intended to support regional economic development leaders in elevating equity within their organization, planning and CEDS development, and strategy and implementation as they approach recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The National Association of Counties shares lessons learned and effective strategies for equity in governance that apply to counties and other levels of governance.
- The National League of Cities offers resources for considering ways municipal policy and action can impact equity in a community.
- PolicyLink is a national research and action institute focused on advancing racial and economic equity. They work to foster a new conversation about equity as an economic driver and advance policies that build an equitable economy.
- The Center for Urban and Racial Equity (CURE) works to address racial and social inequities through research, training, and advocacy. They focus on promoting racial equity in public policy and programs by providing organizations and communities with tools, training, and resources to advance equity.
- Race Forward is a leading organization dedicated to advancing racial justice and equity. They provide research, tools, and resources through their Racial Equity Tools platform, offering practical guidance and strategies to organizations, communities, and policymakers to address racial disparities and promote equity.
- The Roundtable on Community Change at the Aspen Institute focuses on addressing poverty and inequality in communities worldwide. Their resource “Abundant Community” offers a framework and strategies to achieve equity by addressing structural barriers and engaging in community-driven approaches.
Engagement Resources
Complementary Planning Processes
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plans: WIOA is a federal law that governs federally funded workforce development programs. It requires states to develop a WIOA State Plan that outlines their strategies for aligning workforce development with economic development goals. The State Plan includes information on how the state will coordinate with regional entities, engage employers, and address the workforce needs of key industries.
Peer to Peer Learning
- NADO Regional Development Resource Center provides a report highlighting how local development districts’ proactive approach in promoting workforce development programs has impacted the economic growth and stability of the Appalachian Region.
- The Workforce Professionals Training Institute Hub brings together key leaders from government, foundations, the nonprofit and business sectors in New York City and nationally with the goal of identifying common challenges and solutions that align policy, systems, funding and program innovation to strengthen the workforce development ecosystem.
Science and Thought Leadership
- The National Fund for Workforce Solutions supports regional collaboratives to develop and implement effective workforce strategies. Resources focus on employer engagement, career pathways, sector partnerships, and systems change to improve job quality and create equitable opportunities.
- The National Skills Coalition advocates for policies that promote skills development and align workforce training with industry needs. Their approach focuses on advancing state and federal policies that support worker training, job quality, and equitable access to career pathways.
- The National Association of Workforce Boards provides guidance and resources to workforce boards and professionals in developing effective workforce development systems. The NAWB emphasizes collaboration, employer engagement, sector-based strategies, and demand-driven approaches to bridge skills gaps and promote workforce development.
- The Corporation for a Skilled Workforce works to align education and workforce systems to create pathways to economic opportunity, emphasizing employer partnerships, sector strategies, data-driven decision-making, and equitable access to quality education and training.
Funding Resources
US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs, federal grants to states for public employment service programs, and unemployment insurance benefits. These services are primarily provided through state and local workforce development systems.
Engagement Resources
Complementary Planning Processes
While there are no Federal planning processes specifically related to broadband development, the following planning processes are opportunities to engage stakeholders in strategies to address gaps in regional broadband connectivity.
- Comprehensive Planning: Many states require local governments to engage in comprehensive planning processes to guide land use, infrastructure, and economic development. Broadband expansion can be incorporated into these plans to ensure its integration with other community and regional goals. The National League of Cities and National Association of Counties offer resources, research, and guidance on broadband development and its integration into comprehensive plans.
- State Broadband Plans: Several states have developed comprehensive broadband plans that outline strategies, goals, and funding mechanisms for broadband deployment. Local and regional planning efforts should align with these state-level plans to ensure consistency and coordination.
- Environmental Planning: Broadband expansion projects may require compliance with federal and state environmental regulations, such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Environmental planning processes assess potential impacts on natural resources, cultural heritage, and communities to inform decision-making and mitigate adverse effects.
- Permitting and Right-of-Way Access: Broadband infrastructure deployment often involves accessing public rights-of-way, including roads, utility poles, or public lands. Planning processes may include obtaining permits, negotiating access agreements, and complying with relevant regulations to ensure proper deployment without hindering other utilities or causing environmental harm.
Peer to Peer Learning
NADO Broadband Resources for Regional Development Organizations includes RDO feasibility plan examples, conference presentations, and links to broadband research and publications prepared by the NADO Research Foundation and industry partners.
Science and Thought Leadership
- The National Telecommunications and Information Administration provides support to state and local governments that are seeking to expand broadband connectivity and promote digital inclusion through solution-neutral guides and resources, interagency coordination, and the administration of grant programs.
- The Center on Rural Innovation collaborates with members of its Rural Innovation Network to launch initiatives and programs that support innovation, entrepreneurship, workforce development, and tech job creation in the places they call home.
- The National Digital Inclusion Alliance provides guidance on developing comprehensive digital inclusion strategies, including affordable broadband options, digital literacy programs, and community-driven initiatives. NDIA advocates for policy changes that support universal access to affordable and reliable broadband services.
- The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition promotes policies and funding mechanisms to support the deployment of high-capacity broadband networks for anchor institutions. They advocate for leveraging anchor institutions’ infrastructure to extend broadband connectivity to underserved areas and collaborate with policymakers and stakeholders to shape broadband policies that meet community needs.
Funding Resources
BroadbandUSA’s Federal Funding site connects you to funding opportunities that support broadband planning, digital inclusion, and deployment projects. The site allows you to filter programs by Agency/Department, Eligible Recipients, and/or Program Purpose by using the filter options on the left side of the web site.