Integrating CEDS and hazard mitigation plans can ease plan “silo-ing” between EDD departments, make identified strategies easier to implement, reduce uncertainty around economic downturns, and, most importantly, make your region more resilient and responsive to hazardous events.
What You’ll Learn
During this webinar, planning professionals from EDDs in Kentucky and federal partners at EDA and FEMA:
- Share concrete examples how EDDs can integrate plans and ease plan “silo-ing” at the EDD departmental level
- Display how an EDD can move beyond the disaster-build-disaster-build cycle of hazard mitigation planning in their region
- Showcase the value of region-led resilience planning
- Feature resources and opportunities to support EDDs in CEDS planning and implementation and hazard mitigation planning
Jenny Burmester, National Mitigation Planning and Program Manager, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Naomi Friedman, National Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Coordinator, Economic Development Administration
Emily Hathcock, Associate Director of Planning, Barren River Area Development District (KY)
Colie Smith, Regional Resiliency Coordinator and Economic Development Specialist, Green River Area Development District (KY)
Andrew Coker, Regional Development Researcher, NADO Research Foundation (moderator)
Click here for the presentation slides (PDFs)
Quick Links
FEMA and EDA – Joint Alignment Guide | FEMA – Hazard Mitigation Plan Status Map | EDA CEDS Content Guidelines – Climate Resilience | Hazard Mitigation & CEDS Integration Tip Sheet | Tips from a Planner: Implementing the Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework |
CEDS Central
This webinar is offered through the NADO Research Foundation’s Economic Development District Community of Practice (EDD CoP), funded by US EDA. To learn more about this effort to build capacity across the national network of EDDs, visit: